1. Open the Animator Tool. This can be done either by pressing ‘A’ on your keyboard or by choosing ‘Animator’ from the Window menu
2. In the Layers palette at the top right, select the layer you wish to animate
3. In the Animator, select the frame you wish your animation to start from
4. Set this in place by clicking the ‘Add Keyframe’ icon at the left of the Animator timeline
5. The frame should turn green and include a small black dot to mark it as a Keyframe
6. Repeat the above steps to set the end of your animation
Left as is, this animation would be a ‘step’ animation i.e. a sudden change. If you would like to see gradual movement over time, you need to add a Motion Tween:
1. In the Animator Tool, click anywhere between your 2 Keyframes and select the ‘Add a motion tween’ icon (looks like a clock with a small green + icon)
2. The area between your Keyframes should now highlight as blue
The default ‘Transition’ setting is ‘Linear’. For different effects, try using transitions such as ‘Back’ and ‘Bouncing’.
For more information refer to this video: