How do I upgrade my devices to the latest player version?

How do I upgrade my devices to the latest player version?

Periodically, new versions of the SignStix Player software are released, allowing for brand new features, fixes, and performance enhancements.  It is recommended that you upgrade to the new versions as soon as they become available.  You can control the upgrade of your Players using SignStix Director: 
  1. Navigate to the Devices section of Director
  2. Select one or more devices
  3. Click the 'Upgrade Devices' icon near the top of the page
  4. In the following pop-up select the desired or latest player version available
  5. Tick the confirmation box and the 'Upgrade Devices' button
  6. The chosen devices will download the new software and upgrade.  Typically, this takes a few minutes.  Offline devices will upgrade when they are back online.
  7. Note: upgrading the Player will restart the Player causing them to stop showing signage for 20 seconds.  It is recommended that upgrades are performed outside of normal hours

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