Why does my signage device seem to reboot automatically?

Why does my signage device seem to reboot automatically?

In rare circumstances, it is possible that a signage device may start rebooting unexpectedly.  The most likely causes for this are:


To check for overheating:
  1. In the Devices section on your SignStix account, locate the device in question
  2. Double-click into the device to view the device details
  3. There will be a temperature section showing the device temperature
  4. For reliable operation, this should be no higher than 80
Address overheating: 
  1. Check the immediate environment around the device.  It should be installed with some air-flow around it, away from other sources of heat
  2. Check the 'Max Frame Rate' set on the device.  To do this, locate your device in the Devices section of Director and select the pencil icon to edit your device settings.  Try reducing the 'Max Frame Rate'.  This will reduce the number of images which the device produces each second, and its temperature will drop as a result (at the expense of animation quality)
Faulty Hardware

Unexpected rebooting may be due to a faulty power supply, or a supply with an Amps rating that is too low. 

If you have an alternative power supply, try using the alternative supply and see if the problem stops. 

Otherwise, return the full rig (signage device, power supply, and cables) to your suppler together with information re: the installation environment, the temperature and the frequency of the reboots. 

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